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Johanna Ashira

Writer, Archetypal Integration Expert

Repossess your power and free will

We are all victims of fate until we get fed up enough to do something about it. That sense of powerlessness you try to ignore as you spend your days working for someone else's gain, that undefined but super-massive inertia you encounter when you try to improve your life, and the guilt, shame, and exhaustion of feeling unable to reach your potential for greatness are all signs of archetypal possession.

Revenge of the Sacrifice, my upcoming book and accompanying online course, is a guide to free will for those who no longer consent to suffer their fate, detailing my journey to wholeness and what I learned along the way. My aim is to help you understand the psychological mechanisms holding you back and how to work with them to effect real and permanent change in your life from the inside out.

I will be teaching the content from the book as a live 8-week beta program online while I write it. The program begins in May of this year, 2024, and extends to the end of June. Please visit the link below to learn more and purchase affordable access.

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